This is an ongoing project. We began mechanically removing Japanese barberry from Cobmoosa Shores last summer and will continue as needed.
NOTE: Herbicides are NOT recommended because nearby, native plants can be destroyed, and the herbicide can enter the water supply.
We need everyone’s assistance as this plant is extremely invasive. The “Barberry Pull” crew will only work on the Cobmoosa right-of-way, we will try to not enter any member’s private property without prior permission. We ask that members remove these plants from their property and then join in the “planned pulls” when you can.
If you need help identifying this plant, or you would like to grant permission for the “Barberry Pull” crew to remove plants on your property, please use the Contact Us form on the CSA website to convey that information. Someone from the “Barberry Pull” crew will then contact you to arrange a time to assist you. See also the attached photos.
For more information about Japanese barberry (and other plants problematic in Michigan), visit A Field Identification Guide to Invasive Plants in Michigan’s Natural Communities (prepared by the Michigan State University Extension office).