Japanese Knotweed and Phragmites: Treatment will begin in August and continue through September. Funding amounts have changed this year so if you would like treatment, you will need to pay into a cost-share program. We are working with Muskegon Conservation District to do the treatment work. In order to receive treatments we will need a signed cooperator agreement that can be downloaded here and you can pay for treatments here.
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA): Management of HWA is underway in Oceana County and so far 5,000 infected trees have been treated with basal bark injections. Crew members are currently working in Benona Township.
Oak Wilt: A few calls have been coming in with suspected oak wilt. Leaf and branch samples have been sent in for diagnosis. Oak wilt causes sudden death of red oaks. Our forester can provide assistance on diagnosing oak wilt and can share information on how to prevent the spread to other oaks.